Imperial Trout Farm - Indian River MI

Address: 4143 Club Rd
City: Indian River
State: MI
Zip: 49749
County: Cheboygan
Number of visits to this page: 2872

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

I think I found the location of the old trout farm at the junction the postcard indicated. I believe it goes back to the 60's as it doesn't appear on the 1950's historical aerial photos. The water has dried up and the place is long gone. I am using the address of what is now Dan's Auto Repair as I believe that was the general location. There is an alternative location on the historical aerial below.

Info Updates:
10/6/2023 - Arnold Blumenthal
I think your primary location is correct.I have a family photo taken summer of ''68 or 69.There is a row of trees in the background that outlines the river.That would not be present in your alternate location.I believe the river was used to fill the pond.You fished for the trout with a cane pole that had a leather bead for bait.They would throw food in and the trout would swarm around snagging your bait. Was like "fish in a barrel,: but those trout were awesome when my mom cooked them at our campsite! I grew up in the Detroit suburbs (Mount Clemens) and the two tent camping trips we took to the UP are the reason I live in the UP today. I have some additional photos if you are interested.
10/3/2023 - Arnold Blumenthal
I think your primary location is correct. I have a family photo taken summer of ''68 or 69. There is a row of trees in the background that outlines the river. That would not be present in your alternate location. I believe the river was used to fill the pond. You fished for the trout with a cane pole that had a leather bead for bait. They would throw food in and the trout would swarm around snagging your bait. Was like "fish in a barrel,: but those trout were awesome when my mom cooked them at our campsite! I grew up in the Detroit suburbs (Mount Clemens) and the two tent camping trips we took to the UP are the reason I live in the UP today. I have some additional photos if you are interested.
Imperial Trout Farm - Web Listing
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Imperial Trout Farm - Web Listing
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Imperial Trout Farm - 1981 Aerial
1981 Aerial © 2025 Over 82,726,704 Served