Hayner's Motel - Petoskey MI

Address: 610 W Mitchell St
City: Petoskey
State: MI
Zip: 49770
County: Emmet
Number of visits to this page: 2083

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

The following is a summary of events (as I understand them) of Breene's Candlelight Restaurant Motel, Hayner's Motel, Carriage Motor Inn, Days Inn, Dickson's Lodge, and Walloon Lake Lodge. It is a complicated tale that starts in 1940's Petoskey and ends up in the modern era in Walloon Lake. I have decided to replicate this same story and photos on all the individual entries for these locations. It is the simplest way to present this information as all them are inextricably linked. The links are as follows:

Chronology of events:

  • 1939 - Hayner family moved to Petoskey - buys Mother Noble’s Kitchen and opened tourist cabins (eventually numbering 18) with service station
  • 1943 - Breene family opens restaurant, eventually adding Breene’s Motel
  • 1960’s - Hayner’s replaces cabins with full motel structure - closes service station.
  • 1960’s - Hayner’s adds 10 more motel units.
  • 1966 - Hayner’s buy Breene Motel, Candlelight Restaurant and Carriage Motor Inn
  • 1977 - Hayner’s renovates entire premises
  • 1989 - Hayner’s sells entire facility and it is converted to Days Inn
  • 1998 - Jackie Dickson of Dickson’s Lodge buys Days Inn structures (ex Hayner’s, Breene’s, Carriage Inn) and has them moved to Walloon Lake - the buildings are placed on both sides of the street, replacing earlier cabins and various buildings.
  • 2000’s - Days Inn Petoskey opens up new location down the street at 909 Spring St.
  • 2000’s - Dicksons Lodge properties close on both sides of 131
  • 2005 - Drug store is built on former site of Days Inn Petoskey
  • 2011 - The Dickson’s Lodge on the west side of 131 is purchased and re-opened as Walloon Lake Lodge
  • 2014ish - Walloon Lake Lodge closes and facility is taken over by Bear River Health

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