Sands Motel (Victory Inn) - Detroit MI

Address: 9430 Michigan Ave
City: Detroit
State: MI
Zip: 48210
County: Wayne
Number of visits to this page: 1847

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General Information:

The Sands goes back to the 1950's. The building was modified over the years with a second story being added on. There were problems in the 1980's with crime in and around the motel so the local residents demanded it be closed. Even the Kronk Boxing Gym got involved. It was offering adult entertainment at the time. Eventually it was converted to a Victory Inn before closing again and demolished in 2018 or so. The original sign was very cool.

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Sands Motel (Victory Inn) - Vintage Postcard
Vintage Postcard
Sands Motel (Victory Inn) - Vintage Postcard
Vintage Postcard
Sands Motel (Victory Inn) - 2007
Sands Motel (Victory Inn) - 2016 Victory Inn
2016 Victory Inn
Sands Motel (Victory Inn) - 2022
Sands Motel (Victory Inn) - October 1983 Uproar Over Crime
October 1983 Uproar Over Crime
Sands Motel (Victory Inn) - Dec 12 1980 Adult Joint
Dec 12 1980 Adult Joint
Sands Motel (Victory Inn) - Matchbook
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