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This hotel opened in 1929, here is the text of the ad: "Hotel Briggs is Detroit's most modern and most completely equipped hotel. Every room is a living room—and all rooms are outside rooms. In each room is a tub and shower and in most rooms an iceless refrigerator. Rooms are unusually large and beautifully furnished, with large closet space. The service is complete, first-class hotel service. RATES ARE LOW - By the month, $75 to $115 by the day, single, $3.00 to $5.00; double, $4.50 to $8.00. Come in now and inspect Hotel Briggs. A Lester Briggs Enterprise G. P. DAUGHERTY, Manager.
It appears from the street views the hotel has undergone remodeling and several different businesses changes. It also looked as though it was closed for a time. As of 2023 PAO Detroit and Briggs Houze Apartments are occupying the space.