Plaza 2 Theatre - Portage MI

Address: 6235 S Westnedge Ave
City: Portage
State: MI
Zip: 49002
County: Kalamazoo
Open: October 1972
Owner History: Jack Loeks Theatres
Theater Type: Shopping Center - Early Multiplex
Number of visits to this page: 9575

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

Source: James Simpson

The man in one of the photos is my cousin Doug Davis , who recently passed away. He was the manger there , must have been around 1974 or so. He invited a friend and I to come there to see a movie , I think it was a Godzilla movie. He set us up in the projection booth and access to the snack bar after he gave us a mess of food from McDonald's. My friend and I were both a little sick to our stomachs when my mom came and picked us up. She was very upset that we took advantage of the situation and stuffed ourselves with about everything the snack bar had to offer.

Hard to believe that was just about 40 years ago but I still remember it very well. I was shocked to hear of Doug's passing because he wasn't very old and always appeared to be in good health. I remember Plaza 2 opening and it was a very big deal at the time.

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Info Updates:
5/23/2009 - Andrew Thornton
I have a lot of fond memories of this one, saw a ton of movies there as a kid with my parents. I KNOW I saw the Lion King there and I know there were plenty of others.
9/16/2007 - JAlexander
Theatre opened October 25, 1972.
2/15/2005 - Brad Adams
The last decent place to see a movie, huge wide screens and DTS and Dolby Digital in both theatres. Each sat approx 500.Opened in 71 or 72. Saturday Night Fever, The Exorcist, The Lion King, Twister, Jaws, Billy Jack. Broke all records for longest running films here. Sad to lose a nice theatre.
4/28/2003 - Ian Ehrnstrom
This theater is now closed. It was replaced in the fall of 2002 with a Mr. Bs Warehouse.
Plaza 2 Theatre - Early 2000S Photo From Me
Early 2000S Photo From Me
Plaza 2 Theatre - May 29 2022
May 29 2022
Plaza 2 Theatre - Early 2000S Photo From Me
Early 2000S Photo From Me
Plaza 2 Theatre - May 29 2022
May 29 2022
Plaza 2 Theatre - May 29 2022
May 29 2022
Plaza 2 Theatre - May 29 2022
May 29 2022
Plaza 2 Theatre - May 29 2022
May 29 2022
Plaza 2 Theatre - Manager Doug Davis
Manager Doug Davis
Plaza 2 Theatre - When It Was Open
When It Was Open
Plaza 2 Theatre - Grand Opening
Grand Opening
Plaza 2 Theatre - Grand Opening
Grand Opening
Plaza 2 Theatre - Auditorium
Plaza 2 Theatre - Booth
Plaza 2 Theatre - May 2002 Photo
May 2002 Photo
Plaza 2 Theatre - Old Photo
Old Photo © 2025 Over 82,429,885 Served