Camelot 1-2-3 - Dearborn MI

Address: 12715 W Warren Ave
City: Dearborn
State: MI
Zip: 48126
County: Wayne
Open: 1937
Capacity: 1051
Owner History: Nicholas George
Theater Type: Neighborhood House
Number of visits to this page: 12755

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

Source: JerryD

The Camelot was orignialy called the CIRCLE, the same name as the bar next door. NGT theatres ran the Camelot in tne early 60's, Joe Busic was the DM, it was advertised as a "Nice place to Go", lots of family shows and Good first run features. I belived that "Zorba the Greek" playyed there exclusive for its first run engagement. I saw the "Unsinkable Molly Brown " there in the early 60's, the lobby reminded me of the Rivera & the Ramona with the Tower/collum formatr.

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Info Updates:
12/27/2018 - Ron
I was an usher at the Camelot during Walt’s time. 1,000 seat ( approx ) auditorium. Best job I’ve ever had. Working with Walt, Rick, Tom, Gary etc. Fascinating theatre. It had a crows nest to watch the parking lot. Upstairs/ Basement storage rooms. Our usher group found a way to walk above the ceiling on a catwalk all the way out to the front roof & inside the lit marque. Ushers room parties in back. so much fun !.
5/7/2016 - Vern
The Camelot was around until the late 80s or early 90s, if memory serves. It became a dollar movie theater sometime in the 80s (perhaps it was $1. 50). Sadly, the theater was in very poor condition. The patrons were always pushy, the floors sticky and the snack bar poorly stocked. Of course, for the price, you got what you paid for.
4/21/2013 - richard stoia
Yes, the Camelot was called the Circle Theatre and was built in the late 30's by my grandfather, Joesph Stoia and his partner Joesph Miskinis. It opened for bessiness on Nov. 12, 1937. New owners changed the name in 1963 to the Camelot.
1/28/2004 - WaterWinterWonderland
Originally a single screen theatre, it was eventually tri-plexed. It closed sometime in the mid 1990's.
Camelot 1-2-3 - Old Photo From Cinema Treasures
Old Photo From Cinema Treasures
Camelot 1-2-3 - Now A Store
Now A Store
Camelot 1-2-3 - Old Photo
Old Photo © 2025 Over 82,842,787 Served