Music Stop - Various MI

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State: MI
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Number of visits to this page: 3930

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General Information:

The Music Stop chain was started by Louis A, Kwiker, a record industry executive, in 1977. The idea was to stock the 40-50 most popular releases of the day at discount prices. They were the 2nd largest chain in Southeastern Michigan with Harmony House being the largest at the time. At its peak, they operated 12 stores in Clawson, Dearborn, Ferndale, Southfield, Lincoln Park and Warren. They employed 100 people. Like Harmony House, the chain also sold concert and event tickets.

The chain ran into cash flow problems by 1980 and was forced to close. The recession of the late 70's was blamed. This was the same period that Korvette's, who had a fantastic record department back then, also stopped selling music. The company's assets were auctioned off at their Madison Heights warehouse, with the proceeds mainly going to defray their debt with Liberty State Bank.

Info Updates:
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Music Stop - Sep 1980 Article On Closing
Sep 1980 Article On Closing
Music Stop - Dec 10 1978 2 Page Spread
Dec 10 1978 2 Page Spread
Music Stop - Dec 1978 List Of Locations
Dec 1978 List Of Locations
Music Stop - May 18 1980 Ad For Manilow Tickets
May 18 1980 Ad For Manilow Tickets © 2025 Over 82,719,429 Served