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Source: Tom Orvis
Mount Clemens Race track was located on the north side of North River Road, just west of I-94 on the site where Gibraltar Trade Center stands today. I’m not sure exactly what year the racetrack closed. In the early 80’s, a friend of mine owned and drove a street stock car on the quarter mile track and I participated as the car’s mechanic in the pits.
Some other friends raced in the half-mile events there too. Some of the old timers there used to tell us about the races on the old figure-8 track, which sounded pretty dangerous! That old figure-8 track was still there in the 1980’s, but the event itself had been discontinued long before we arrived.
When I was in grade school a classmate gave me a Mt. Clemens Race Track program for a SPORTS CAR race there. It used part of the oval and went out back where the motocross track was made decades later. New Hampshire's road course was shaped like this. I now realize that this sports car race would have had to be an all dirt road course! The year would have between 1957 and 1959. I wonder if the MCRT road course even lasted more than one event. NOBODY seems to recall a sports car race at MCRT, but I had a real program from the event! Cheers, Bruce Freeburger