HomeMovie TheatersJewel Theatre (Bijou Theatre)

Jewel Theatre (Bijou Theatre) - Mount Clemens MI

Address: 87 Gratiot Avenue
City: Mount Clemens
State: MI
Zip: 48043
County: Macomb
Owner History:
Theater Type: Downtown Movie Palace
Number of visits to this page: 18747

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General Information:

From Cinema Treasures

Opened as the Bijou Theatre in 1910. The operators were Robert G. Peltier and Walter Trombley. This was the second location of the Bijou Theatre, which had been opened as an 88-seat nickelodeon by Peltier in 1905.

The second Bijou Theatre began as a 410-seat theatre, but was expanded to 800 seats in 1913. A major rebuilding taking several months in 1938 expanded the theatre to 1,200 seats, and it was reopened in September that year as the Jewel Theatre with George Raft in “Spawn of the North”. Peltier continued to operate the Jewel Theatre until 1942, when he leased the house to Community Theatres.

The Jewel Theatre was remodeled again in 1950 to plans by Detroit architect Ted Rogvoy. It continued to operate as one of Mount Clemens' two major theaters until the mid-1970’s. After a brief period as an adult film house, the Jewel Theatre closed. It remained vacant for some time and was finally demolished.

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Jewel Theatre (Bijou Theatre) - From American Classic Images
From American Classic Images
Jewel Theatre (Bijou Theatre) - 1921 Image From Paul Petoskey
1921 Image From Paul Petoskey
Jewel Theatre (Bijou Theatre) - From Tony Mettie
From Tony Mettie
Jewel Theatre (Bijou Theatre) - From Tony Mettie
From Tony Mettie
Jewel Theatre (Bijou Theatre) - From Tony Mettie
From Tony Mettie
Jewel Theatre (Bijou Theatre) - From Tony Mettie
From Tony Mettie
Jewel Theatre (Bijou Theatre) - From Tony Mettie
From Tony Mettie
Jewel Theatre (Bijou Theatre) - From Tony Mettie
From Tony Mettie
Jewel Theatre (Bijou Theatre) - Old Photo
Old Photo
Jewel Theatre (Bijou Theatre) - Old Post Card Of The Bijou
Old Post Card Of The Bijou
Jewel Theatre (Bijou Theatre) - Old Ad
Old Ad
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