Mt. Pleasant Speedway - Mount Pleasant MI

Address: 4658 East River Road
City: Mount Pleasant
State: MI
Zip: 48858
County: Isabella
Number of visits to this page: 16661

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

Source: Bill Murawski Jr.

i race there every Friday night. the track is a fun place too run!!! the owners to the staff is great. vary friendly place. It's a place you could call a home track.

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Info Updates:
3/6/2012 - Randy
Just saw this info: It is a sad day for everyone involved in auto racing as young Jeremy Dickman, age 39, passed away unexpectedly yesterday. Jeremy was a great person and wonderful human being. He was the public relations director at Mt. Pleasant Speedway, and a huge fan of auto racing. He worked for a number of years at the Mt. Pleasant Morning Sun newspaper, but had just recently resigned to form Y4 Motorsports, a marketing company. Jake was a personal friend, and one of the nicest guys I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. Midwest Racing Scene offers it's condolences to Debbie and his family, and I personally want to say how sad and sorry this day is for everyone who ever had the good fortune to know Jeremy Dickman. What a tragic loss for all of us. Terry Fitzwater, Publisher, Midwest Racing Scene. Sad to read these kinds of things as the MI local racing community is so close. my condolenses go out to the Dickman family and friends. God Speed!.
8/6/2010 - doug baldwin
how about some history of the track,my first real job was selling popcorn in the stands in the early sixties.
i remember a flagman named RUSSELL who had no fear and flagged races with ED HOWE in his V-8# supermod
and GENE WHITE in his white #1 super along with a fellow from sandusky ,they seemed to b e the only ones
still running at end of the main.Does anyone have any picyures of those years?
10/15/2008 - jason murawski
i love to come to this track the brst show on dirt i think and some very bad to the bone street stocks my brother billy likes the place also he can race with the best of them in the super dirt late models billy ran the streetstock and did a fine job there a few time if anyone could post some pics of that car it would be neat to see he would like to see the old gal to thanks...
1/13/2004 - Steve Allen
It is open on Friday nights and still offers great dirt track action.
Mt. Pleasant Speedway - 2018 Photo
2018 Photo
Mt. Pleasant Speedway - Bill Murawski
Bill Murawski
Mt. Pleasant Speedway - Limited Late Model
Limited Late Model
Mt. Pleasant Speedway - Mini Stocks In Action
Mini Stocks In Action
Mt. Pleasant Speedway - Aerial Photo
Aerial Photo © 2025 Over 81,525,336 Served