Broadway Theatre - Mt Pleasant MI

Address: 216 E Broadway St
City: Mt Pleasant
State: MI
Zip: 48858
County: Isabella
Open: 1917
Capacity: 425
Owner History:
Theater Type: Small Town Movie Palace
Number of visits to this page: 17057

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

Source: Darla Moore

The Broadway Theatre was purchased from Mr. Carnahan and the other gentleman in the late 1920's or early 30's by Mr. Lee Ward and his brother, Mr. Theo Ward. At the time it was the last vaudeville house in outstate Michigan and did vaudeville 4 nights a week and silent movies 3 nights a week. Lee Ward's wife, Louise, played piano for the silent movies. I'm not sure at what point Lee Ward became sole owner or the circumstances.

I married Lee's son, Kent, in 1971 and we purchased the theatres after the death of Lee in 1977 or 78. The Broadway, with it's balcony, could seat over 625 patrons. There is actually a full stage behind the screen and there is a dressing area under the stage. While Kent and I owned the theatre we occasionally presented a live entertainment show. Two that I remember were The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band and Cheech & Chong. In 1986 Kent and I had to file bankruptcy and the theatres reverted to the estate and were eventually sold to the Loeck's organization.

The Loeck's maintained them as theatres until they built a larger multiplex in Mt. Pleasant and a group from Mt. Pleasant organized as Friends of the Broadway, name may not be exact, and they purchased the Broadway for a community theatre and meeting place. Because the Loeck's organization installed automated projection on the lower level instead of in the projection booth above the balcony the seating capacity was lowered to just over 400 seats.

Info Updates:
1/29/2011 - Robert B
Great photos, thanks for the memories I attended the Broadway matinee every Saturday from 1955-1957, watching great movie serials like The Monster and the Ape which ran for 15 episodes and featured Ken Morgan battling The Metallegan Man robot and a guy in an ape suit. I couldn't wait to see how Ken would get out of the dilemmas he always wound up in at the close of the past week's episode Also watched Davy Crockett (the line to buy tickets on opening night stretched all around the block) and that night at age 8 put my arm around a girl (Jill) for the first time in my life.
12/18/2003 - Box Office Magazine
October 1959 - Lee L. Ward is reopening the Broadway at Mt. Pleasant.
2/22/2003 - WaterWinterWonderland
The Broadway was originally known as the Vaudette Theatre and was owned and operated by Charles A. Carnaham and James McCabe (see picture below). The theatre is now being used to present plays and music.
Broadway Theatre - June 2022 Photo From Ron Gross
June 2022 Photo From Ron Gross
Broadway Theatre - From Friends Of The Broadway
From Friends Of The Broadway
Broadway Theatre - Another Film Shot
Another Film Shot
Broadway Theatre - Scan From Film Shot
Scan From Film Shot
Broadway Theatre - Old Pic
Old Pic
Broadway Theatre - Old Pic Of Broadway
Old Pic Of Broadway
Broadway Theatre - Old Pic Of Broadway
Old Pic Of Broadway
Broadway Theatre - Old Pic
Old Pic
Broadway Theatre - Auditorium From Steven L Swart Spinninglens Dot Com
Auditorium From Steven L Swart Spinninglens Dot Com
Broadway Theatre - Auditorium And Stage
Auditorium And Stage
Broadway Theatre - Balcony
Broadway Theatre - Vintage Postcard
Vintage Postcard
Broadway Theatre - Vintage Pic From Ron Gross
Vintage Pic From Ron Gross
Broadway Theatre - Vintage Pic From Ron Gross
Vintage Pic From Ron Gross
Broadway Theatre - Dec 6 1961
Dec 6 1961 © 2025 Over 84,763,003 Served