Bummies Drive-In - Adrian MI

Address: 1080 US-223
City: Adrian
State: MI
Zip: 49221
County: Lenawee
Number of visits to this page: 2829

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

Bummies goes back to 1960 or before. It was not on the 1955 aerial photo but I did find newspaper ads from 1960. I also found some old high school yearbook ads. A McDonald's sits on the lot today as the old drive-in disappeared sometime before 2009. I am pretty sure about the location as I see a canopy and lot on the 1971 aerial photo at the corner mentioned in the ads. The building in the ad does look bigger than most drive-ins though.

Info Updates:
1/11/2024 - Dennis Gibbs
Reply to Bob: There was a photo of the original Bummies behind the cash register before the Chinese last ran it. It was in the same place and was a small white wood building with (I think) a walk up window to place and pick up orders. That was torn down and the more recent building pictured was constructed. Perhaps the Baumgartners still have that framed photo if any are still in the area.
4/27/2023 - Bob
Perhaps there was an earlier Bummies location? I question this as my Mother worked in Adrian in the late 40's, early 50's and she told us how her coworkers and her would often go to Bummies after work.
Bummies Drive-In - Feb 2008 From Dennis Gibbs Pre Demolition
Feb 2008 From Dennis Gibbs Pre Demolition
Bummies Drive-In - Feb 2008 From Dennis Gibbs Pre Demolition
Feb 2008 From Dennis Gibbs Pre Demolition
Bummies Drive-In - 1960S Yearbook Ads
1960S Yearbook Ads
Bummies Drive-In - 1960S Yearbook Ads
1960S Yearbook Ads
Bummies Drive-In - 1971 Aerial
1971 Aerial
Bummies Drive-In - April 1960 Ad
April 1960 Ad
Bummies Drive-In - March 1960 Ad
March 1960 Ad
Bummies Drive-In - May 1960 Ad
May 1960 Ad
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