HomeDrive-In TheatersLenawee Drive-In Theatre - Adrian, MI

Lenawee Drive-In Theatre - Adrian MI

Address: 3240 N. Adrian Hwy
City: Adrian
State: MI
Zip: 49221
County: Lenawee
Open: 1948 (6-12-48)
Closed: N/A
Capacity: 60
Owner History: N/A
Number of visits to this page: 14279
General Information:

AKA Lenawee Auto Theatre

Source: Rodney N.

This one used to be a 1 screen drive-in, later on a 2nd screen was added to it. This is where I seen my very first movie. It was Star Wars when it first came out. I went with my neighbors in an old Ford Custom F-150. It was just up around the corner and up the street from where we lived. I loved the smell that came from the concession stand. I also remember the smell of the Pic Coils they had there to rid the area of the mosquitoes seeing that the drive-in was out in the country area instead of the city.

Info Updates:
1/6/2003 - WaterWinterWonderland
Site now is occupied by indoor theatre. The exisiting theater is owned and operated by MJR theaters, the same folks who operated the drive-in. I have been in touch with them to determine if there are any pictures of the old drive-in and apparently they do not have any.

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

Lenawee Drive-In Theatre - Old Photo From Dennis
Old Photo From Dennis
Lenawee Drive-In Theatre - Old Photo From Dennis
Old Photo From Dennis
Lenawee Drive-In Theatre - 1974 Aerial
1974 Aerial
Lenawee Drive-In Theatre - Now Cinema 10
Now Cinema 10
Lenawee Drive-In Theatre - Flyer And Ticket Stub
Flyer And Ticket Stub
Lenawee Drive-In Theatre - Lenawee First Ad 6-12-48
Lenawee First Ad 6-12-48
Lenawee Drive-In Theatre - Flyer And Ticket Stub
Flyer And Ticket Stub
Lenawee Drive-In Theatre - Lenawee Grand Opening 6-22-48
Lenawee Grand Opening 6-22-48
Lenawee Drive-In Theatre - 1990 Article From Dennis Gibbs
1990 Article From Dennis Gibbs
Lenawee Drive-In Theatre - March 27 1976 Ad
March 27 1976 Ad
Lenawee Drive-In Theatre - Old Ad From Michigan Drive-Ins
Old Ad From Michigan Drive-Ins
Lenawee Drive-In Theatre - Topo
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