HomeRestaurants and DiningAudie's Restaurant (Downing's Restaurant)

Audie's Restaurant (Downing's Restaurant) - Mackinaw City MI

Address: 314 N Nicolet St
City: Mackinaw City
State: MI
Zip: 49701
County: Emmet
Number of visits to this page: 2423

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General Information:

Audie's was previously Downey's but it has been Audie's for a long time. Reviews are great and the place is going strong as of 2023.

From the Audie's Website:

Audie’s Restaurant has been owned and operated by the Jaggi Family since 1974 and a local favorite since the Bridge was built. Edgar was working as a Chef at Boyne Highlands when his good friend Bill Shepler dropped in, excited to take him for a drive to see the perfect place for the Jaggi’s to turn their dream of owning their own restaurant into reality. It didn’t take long for them to decide that they wanted to purchase “Downing’s” and make it their own.

The Jaggi Family moved in (literally, with 5 kids living in the back of the restaurant) and the rest is history! Edgar and Audrey have since retired, and with son Nick at the helm we do things pretty much the same way we did back then. Our baker, Heidi , bakes the breads, dinner rolls, desserts and pies. Chef Nick oversees the kitchen where Dwayne makes our homemade soups and sauces, we grind our own beef for burgers, slow roast the Prime Rib and create the daily specials.

Today, you might find the third generation of the Jaggi family at the front door, welcoming you in or perhaps in the kitchen, following in the footsteps of their father and grandfather.

Here at Audie’s, hospitality is a family tradition.

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Audies Restaurant (Downings Restaurant) - Web Listing
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Audies Restaurant (Downings Restaurant) - Web Listing
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Audies Restaurant (Downings Restaurant) - Web Listing
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Audies Restaurant (Downings Restaurant) - Vintage Postcard
Vintage Postcard
Audies Restaurant (Downings Restaurant) - Vintage Postcard
Vintage Postcard
Audies Restaurant (Downings Restaurant) - 1967 Mackinaw City Yearbook Ad
1967 Mackinaw City Yearbook Ad
Audies Restaurant (Downings Restaurant) - Matchbook
Audies Restaurant (Downings Restaurant) - Matchbook
Audies Restaurant (Downings Restaurant) - Matchbook
Audies Restaurant (Downings Restaurant) - July 1978 Article On Downings
July 1978 Article On Downings
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