HomeDrive-In TheatersDearborn Drive-In Theatre - Dearborn, MI

Dearborn Drive-In Theatre - Dearborn MI

Address: 26500 Ford Rd
City: Dearborn
State: MI
Zip: 48206
County: Wayne
Open: 1948 (7-23-48)
Closed: 1985
Capacity: 1040
Owner History: N/A
Number of visits to this page: 28665
General Information:

Source: Cinema Treasures

The Dearborn Drive-In opened in 1948 by Komer and Goldberg and had space for 1040 cars. During its early years, the drive-in also boasted a mini-train ride for children. The Wisper & Wetsman chain acquired the Dearborn during the 60s, and operated it until 1979, when it was taken over by Wayne Amusements, which added a second screen shortly thereafter, and increased capacity to over 1200. The drive-in was closed in 1985, and demolished two years later to make way for a shopping center.

Info Updates:
5/28/2013 - Jim Dubensky
This theater closed after 1985. I worked there the summer of 1985 as an usher and was responsible for changing the marquee. It was the summer of Back to the Future as well as Fletch and Explorers. I worked until that fall. Not sure when it closed, but I was there for the summer of 1985. My least favorite part of the job was in mid-summer there would be triple features - so you'd have to go around and turn off any speakers left on so they wouldn't be blaring past midnight because there were houses on a few sides of the drive in.
6/25/2007 - Amber Jessamine
I should also mention that Soupy Sales used to come to the Dearborn Drive In most every month. I always caught him and his family at their car and would chat with them. He was always very nice and cordial. Oh my this site is bringing back so many memories. Thanks for making it.
11/1/2006 - Dave - Bronx NY
When I worked in the Detroit area for General Cinema in the 1970s the Dearborn, East Side and West Side Diive Ins were all owned by General Cinema. In the photo showing the back of the screen tower and the pylon sign, the pylon shows the name of the theatre with the GCC-style sign letters.
10/16/2003 - MichiganDriveIns.com
About 1975 or 6 we went to the Dearborn Drive-In often. My best friend, Bill, met and a few years later, married Lori, then the manager of the Dearborn Drive-In. She later took over management at the Calvin Theater in West Dearborn, MI. Management changed and she took over management of The Lakes Drive-In in Brighton, MI. She later took over management at the Howell Theatre in Howell, MI. Bill became manager of The Lakes. They offered me the opportunity to be projectionist. Whisper and Wetsman Theaters in Birmingham, MI. owned several theaters and drive-ins in my time from 1979 to 1985. Seasonally, I often helped board up The Lakes Drive-In, Mt. Pleasant Drive-In, The West Side Drive-In, The Walake Drive-In. In the mid 80s, from what I understand, one of the partners died. As the companys property leases expired and the surviving partner was getting on in years, I finally assisted in permantly closing each drive-in, and several of the companys theaters, down; taking apart projectors, packing splicers, disconnecting motorized and hand rewinders... I tried to get away with the intermission reels. No luck. As I see no mention of W&W Theaters I hope Ive provided some noteworthy information. My memories of my Drive-In years are the most pleasant of my life.
1/6/2003 - Drive-Ins.com
Originally built with double ramps and capacity of 1800 cars, remodeled in the early 60s single ramps installed lowered capacity to about 1200. R. Fredrick
1/6/2003 - Drive-Ins.com
It was opened in 1948 and at one time was the most profitable drive-in in the U.S. It was torn down April 1, 1986 at 9:52 a.m. (to be specific!) The Dearborn Drive-In was located next to my elementary school. Unfortunately, after the Drive In was torn down, the school came down too. Today, both sites house a Target department store, A huge Farmer Jack Grocery Store, and about 30 other retail stores. Joe Miller

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

Dearborn Drive-In Theatre - Dearborn Tornado Damage July 1980 Courtesy Fryan
Dearborn Tornado Damage July 1980 Courtesy Fryan
Dearborn Drive-In Theatre - Dearborn Screen Survives Tornado July 1980 Courtesy Fryan
Dearborn Screen Survives Tornado July 1980 Courtesy Fryan
Dearborn Drive-In Theatre - Dearborn Now - Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Dearborn Now - Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Dearborn Drive-In Theatre - Dearborn Screen - Photo From Joe Miller
Dearborn Screen - Photo From Joe Miller
Dearborn Drive-In Theatre - Old Photo From Michigan Driveins
Old Photo From Michigan Driveins
Dearborn Drive-In Theatre - Dearborn Demo 1986
Dearborn Demo 1986
Dearborn Drive-In Theatre - Dearborn Demo 1986
Dearborn Demo 1986
Dearborn Drive-In Theatre - Dearborn Demo 1986
Dearborn Demo 1986
Dearborn Drive-In Theatre - Dearborn Demo 1986
Dearborn Demo 1986
Dearborn Drive-In Theatre - Screen Front - Photo From Joe Miller
Screen Front - Photo From Joe Miller
Dearborn Drive-In Theatre - Original Snackbar 1964
Original Snackbar 1964
Dearborn Drive-In Theatre - From Brad Nietubicz
From Brad Nietubicz
Dearborn Drive-In Theatre - From Brad Nietubicz
From Brad Nietubicz
Dearborn Drive-In Theatre - New Snackbar Designed By Jack K Vogel Built In 1964
New Snackbar Designed By Jack K Vogel Built In 1964
Dearborn Drive-In Theatre - Aerial - Photo From Terraserver
Aerial - Photo From Terraserver
Dearborn Drive-In Theatre - Dearborn Grand Opening Ad 7-23-48
Dearborn Grand Opening Ad 7-23-48
Dearborn Drive-In Theatre - Old Aerial
Old Aerial
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