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This motel goes back to the 1960's or before but is now demolished. It had a fantastic sign at one time. Here is the description from Pure Michigan: "A 13 unit, one story motel in a quiet country setting. All rooms have coffee makers, color television, air conditioning, telephones with data ports, and free local calls. Also features some large three bed family rooms and a free shuttle to casinos. Pet friendly."
It appears around 2013 new owners made a run at reviving the place after it was closed for a time but it didn't work out. I would speculate that one of the reasons this place didn't make it was because it was kind of in the middle of nowhere. Yes it was close to the M-28 and I-75 interchange but if you look at the map there aren't any major attractions in that area to induce anyone to stay here long. It is about 15 minutes south of the Soo (they had a free shuttle to the casinos) so maybe it was just a cheaper option if you were headed up there.
The old Sharolyn Motel & Restaurant was right across the street. The very old Holiday Inn was a few hundred feet down the road also.