HomeMotels and HotelsAaron Plaza Motel (Blue Swan Inn)

Aaron Plaza Motel (Blue Swan Inn) - Sault Ste. Marie MI

Address: 101 W. 18th Ave
City: Sault Ste. Marie
State: MI
Zip: 49783
County: Chippewa
Number of visits to this page: 2184

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General Information:

The Aaron Plaza Motel also included a mobile home park next door. It goes back to the 1960's. It was once operated by Henry and Ruth De Geest. They took over when the motel was sold in 1972. William W. Sprik sold it to Praire Inc, a Grand Rapids based real estate holding company at that time. According to the aerial photos, the mobile home park was removed. A few years later, sometime in the early 2000's, the motel was also razed. As of 2023, Old Mission Bank sits on the property. Sometime along the way, it must have been known as the Blue Swan Inn as the postcard is stamped as such. It also contained the Gas Light Lounge.

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Aaron Plaza Motel (Blue Swan Inn) - Vintage Postcard
Vintage Postcard
Aaron Plaza Motel (Blue Swan Inn) - Vintage Postcard
Vintage Postcard
Aaron Plaza Motel (Blue Swan Inn) - Vintage Postcard
Vintage Postcard
Aaron Plaza Motel (Blue Swan Inn) - Vintage Postcard
Vintage Postcard
Aaron Plaza Motel (Blue Swan Inn) - Historical Aerials
Historical Aerials
Aaron Plaza Motel (Blue Swan Inn) - Apr 1972 Sold
Apr 1972 Sold
Aaron Plaza Motel (Blue Swan Inn) - Dec 1966 Ad
Dec 1966 Ad
Aaron Plaza Motel (Blue Swan Inn) - Menu
Aaron Plaza Motel (Blue Swan Inn) - Oct 1969 Ad
Oct 1969 Ad
Aaron Plaza Motel (Blue Swan Inn) - Sep 1972 For Sale
Sep 1972 For Sale
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