Dreamland Theatre - Sault Ste. Marie MI

Address: E. Portage Avenue
City: Sault Ste. Marie
State: MI
Zip: 49783
County: Chippewa
Open: 1911
Capacity: 1 Screen
Owner History: Charles and Anna DePaul
Theater Type: Neighborhood House
Number of visits to this page: 1777

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General Information:

From Cinema Treasures

Charles and Anna DePaul started their first Sault Ste Marie theatre with the Dreamland Theatre in 1911 on E. Portage Avenue. As other silent movie theatres came and went, the DePaul’s Dreamland Theatre competed with Charles Cook who had the long-running Temple Theatre and had added to Strand Theatre to his portfolio. Competition was challenging so the two merged their theatres in 1924 and the Dreamland Theatre was the first of the theatres to close. The Strand Theatre was the next to close without converting to sound.

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