Colonial Theater - Sault Ste. Marie MI

Address: Ashmun St.
City: Sault Ste. Marie
State: MI
Zip: 49783
County: Chippewa
Open: Late 1930's?
Capacity: 300
Owner History:
Theater Type: Small Town Movie Palace
Number of visits to this page: 2827

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

This theater goes back to the late 1930's at least and is distinct from the Soo, Temple, and Strand that operated there. Apparently the marquee was a landmark for the community.

The theater had closed by the 40's but was purchased by the management of the Soo and re-opened by 1943. Unfortunately it didn't last much longer as the marquee was torn down by 1948. There had been complaints about the overall condition of the building over the years.

It is implied from the articles the structure was eventually torn down completely as was mentioned in the 1954 article below.

Info Updates:
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Colonial Theater - Old Photo
Old Photo
Colonial Theater - Feb 19 1973 25 Year Restrospective On Marquee Teardown
Feb 19 1973 25 Year Restrospective On Marquee Teardown
Colonial Theater - Jan 29 1943 Soo Mgmt Takes Over Colonial
Jan 29 1943 Soo Mgmt Takes Over Colonial
Colonial Theater - May 13 1940 Article Proving Colonial Temple And Soo Coexisted
May 13 1940 Article Proving Colonial Temple And Soo Coexisted
Colonial Theater - May 26 1954 Theater Is Eyesore
May 26 1954 Theater Is Eyesore
Colonial Theater - May 6 1939 Article Mentioning Colonial
May 6 1939 Article Mentioning Colonial © 2025 Over 82,432,272 Served