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The former Everett Elementary School was sold at a very low price to a developer who turned it into a $2.7 million mixed-use retail and office plaza called the Everett Plaza opening in the Summer of 1987. Within a year of the opening was the launch of a two-screen theatre known as the Odeon Southside Cinema Twin. The Southside hadn’t had a movie theatre since the Southtown Theatre closed in the 1950’s other than an adult theatre.
The theatre launched as the Odeon Cinema Southside Twin with two identical 225 seat theatres. One auditorium was for mainstream Hollywood fare and the other was for art and repertory films. “Manon of the Spring” was the art film that opened at the Odeon Southside Cinema Twin on March 18, 1988. The theatre joined the existing Odeon Theatre which played art and foreign films.
The theatre changed policy under new operators as as sub-run discount house as the Southside Twin Cinema. The auditoriums were twinned leading to four 110-seat houses running under the banner of Southside Cinema beginning on September 24, 1993. But the conversion did not pay out as the theatre a year later on September 18, 1993 with “The Flintstones,” “Maverick,” “Black Beauty” splitting with “North” and “Blown Away” splitting with “Wolf.” The entire operation was sold off at auction on July 24, 1995.