Home Theatre - Detroit MI

Address: 6417-6421 Chene St.
City: Detroit
State: MI
Zip: 48211
County: Wayne
Open: 1935
Owner History:
Theater Type: Neighborhood House
Number of visits to this page: 11006

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

AKA New Home Theater

Source: Cathy

My parents Max and Patricia Hayward were the owners of the Castle in 1967, I was eleven years. What great memories and so much fun we had,, my Dad with the help of his eldest son Gene and their love for music had great dreams for the Castle. Max always thought it would such a great place for young people to hang out and to dance and listen to all the great bands that came and played. My parents also had the little place next door. They opened as the a little take out place. I remember all the teenagers coming in to both our places. My parents are both deceased now, but seeing this has bought back alot of great times,, thanks for mentioning the Castle on your web page. Cathy.

Info Updates:
12/18/2023 - RAY
I played keybords for Ray and the shane dells the house band for the castle until we split up and it was fun times
6/2/2007 - KenOngSr
Theater was closed approximately 1966-67. During the early 1960's Ed Kroll, Hamtramck Police Officer owned the Home Theater When the theater became the Castle, the owner last name was DeCocco. Detroit own Rationals played there. The Puzzed Corner Band opened for them. When the Castle closed, Pluzzed Corner Band was the last name on the Marquee until the building was torn down for G.M. Pole Town
4/9/2006 - Jim Chominski
In 1967 & 68 the theater turned into a teenage night club called the Castle. The neighborhood loved it, it gave the kids place to go. It was a tough neighborhood, and I always managed to get into a fight. I believe the owners name was Howard Hayward. My band (Von Dutch Inc.) played there in 67 & 68, and I took all the promotional pictures. Attached is a picture of the interior. I do have a negative of the outside marquee and the name New Home Theater above. If I can find a photo lab that can make a print from a B&W sheet film negative I will send it. Today the entire neighborhood is torn down and the Poletown Cadillac plant is there today.
12/18/2003 - Box Office Magazine
July 1959 - J. B. Krul is closing the Home in Detroit on Wednesdays.
Home Theatre - From Jim Chominski
From Jim Chominski
Home Theatre - As The Castle Nightclub From Jim Chominski
As The Castle Nightclub From Jim Chominski
Home Theatre - Gene And Max From Jim Chominski
Gene And Max From Jim Chominski
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