Iris Theatre - Detroit MI

Address: 2314 E Grand Blvd
City: Detroit
State: MI
Zip: 48211
County: Wayne
Open: 1916
Capacity: 881
Owner History:
Theater Type: Neighborhood House
Number of visits to this page: 7362

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

Source: Cinema Treasures

Initially to have been designed by C. Howard Crane, who submitted an earlier design, the Iris ended up being done by the firm of Mildner & Eisen, in 1916, instead. The theater sat around 880, and was initially a first run film house. It would later switch to second-run and double features before closing in 1954 due to declining attendance. From 1961 to 1962, the Detroit Theater Organ Club (DTOC) presented organ concerts at the Iris on the former Fisher Theatre organ while they were having the Senate rehabbed as their permanent home. After the DTOC left, the Iris stood vacant for a few more years before being torn down.

Info Updates:
2/19/2019 - steven seiler
In my book The Rise of Faygo 1907-1987 you will find the founding Brothers of the Faygo company owned the Iris Theatre at one time The Feigenson family also owned the Oliver Theatre.
12/18/2003 - Box Office Magazine
May 1960 - George Hemp of Royal Oak has reopened the Iris.
Iris Theatre - Old Shot
Old Shot
Iris Theatre - Mar 19 1916 Article
Mar 19 1916 Article
Iris Theatre - June 1945 Gas Kills 2 At Iris
June 1945 Gas Kills 2 At Iris
Iris Theatre - May 1938 Psychic Performing
May 1938 Psychic Performing © 2025 Over 81,993,633 Served