Westown Theatre - Detroit MI

Address: 15225 Wyoming
City: Detroit
State: MI
Zip: 48238
County: Wayne
Open: 1936
Capacity: 2000
Owner History: Wisper-Wetsman
Theater Type: Neighborhood House
Number of visits to this page: 8188

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

Source: Cinema Treasures

The Westown opened in 1936, designed in a French-Moderne hybrid by Detroit-based Charles N. Agree, and featured an unusually extravagant marquee for a neighborhood house. The theater could seat over 2000, and was part of the Wisper and Wetsman chain, costing nearly $250,000 to construct. On its opening night, guests were shown footage of themselves entering the theater before the main feature, a gimmick often used for downtown palaces' opening nights, but unusual for a neighborhood theater. The Westown closed in 1964, and has since been demolished.

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Info Updates:
10/24/2017 - Tom E
To Loretta A, My friends dad managed the Westown in the early 60’s Mr. Lon Johnson His son Lon Jr. said hello.
6/25/2013 - Loretta A
Worked at the Westown from 1962 thru 1965. My first paying job. Loved it. Great people owned and operated it. Wish I could reconnect with them now.
7/16/2011 - William
I remember going to the Westown Theatre. I did not close in 1964. I remember seeing Cool Hand Luke there and the movie came out in 1967.
11/12/2010 - JerryD
Mary Poppins opened on or about July 4th, 1965. I know this for a fact' I was working at the Ramona Theatre on the East side of Detroit at this time. Mary Poppind was in its 3rd or 4th run. We opened day and date with the Westborn and several other locations in early July. I lived on Chalfonte St, only about 3 blocks from the Westborn. I belived the Westborn closed sometime in 1967. It was a great place to view a movie, the most leg room in any theatre that I ever attended. I'm sure some seats were removed at one time. GaryC is right about the Pleasure Seekers in opened in Dec. of 64. It was a early release. replacing John Goldfarb, Please Come Home, NortreDame Univ. filed a law suit against the film, which held up the release date for several months.
11/11/2010 - Garyrc
Westown was definitely open in spring of 1965. Saw the Pleasure Seekers which premiered in New York in Dec. 1964 and couldn't have gotten to this second-run house until 1965. I always remember the outside sign as being gigantic compared to other nearby theaters and may be its most memorable feature.
I remember going to the Westown Theater as late as 1966-67? Kiddie mattinee was 25 cents. I grew up on 8 mile and Wyoming and went to the Westown many times. Sure would be nice to go back to those great days heh?
11/1/2007 - Tom Rogers
Ah yes, Saturday matinees!! Finding a girl to sit next to and try to put your arm around the back of the seat. Cost twelve cents if you were under 13 years old. I would have to work in my dad's butcher shop on Fenkell until noon, he would give me twenty-five cents allowance and I would spend the whole thing at the show. The 3 stooges & Roy Rogers movies were the best. After the show us kids would walk across the street to the dime store and watch the gold fish swim around the big aqurium in the back of the store. My friend would also treat me to a chocolete phos-phat. Rather then walking home down Fenkell we would walk on Keeler or down alleys. Really innocent dazzzz.
Westown Theatre - Old Photo
Old Photo
Westown Theatre - Old Photo From Wayne State Library
Old Photo From Wayne State Library
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