Rolling Hills Speedway - Traverse City MI

Address: 6884 S Rolling Hills Dr
City: Traverse City
State: MI
Zip: 49684
County: Leelanau
Number of visits to this page: 13811

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

Update 2/26/2024: I am using a modern address of where the track was for mapping purposes.

Dirt Oval - Operating Dates: 1950's

Source: Steve Bubb

I have an advertisement for Rolling Hills. It is for a 1955 jalopy race. According to the advertisement the track is on M-22, six miles north of Traverse City.

Info Updates:
3/25/2019 - Nick bonno
Does anyone possibly have an old print/photo/advertisement for the raceway? My parents recently built a new home where the track used to be on the Popp’s property and I’d like to gift them a large print for the living room. Even if anyone has information that could lead to a good find, please reach out and let me know Thank you.
2/9/2012 - Kevin Stricker
I Have pictures on the wall in our store of Art and Ed Secor by thier race cars at rolling hills. I dont have A picture of Clifford Secor ( the oldest brother of the 3 ) from what i hear he was the brainy-one who worked wonders on those old fords and even a Reo I never got to see any reamains of the property prior to the recent housing development. The old ariel shot is kinda wild, my dad Ken has memories of that place. Kevin.
12/6/2009 - Alan Lardie
My father, Robert (Bob) Lardie and Uncle Sonny Lardie both raced at Rolling Hills. My Uncle Sonny being an avid pool player sported the #8 on his car in the form on an 8-Ball. Not sure what my dad's # was. This all took place before my time. If anybody has any photos or stories I would be very appreciative to view them.
9/13/2007 - Loretta Groesser Sanborn
I have to add a correction to an earlier posting I made. My younger sister, Judy, tells me that our dad did race at the track, but waited until our mother was out of town, because she opposed it! I'm sorry for the misinformation. I was not aware that Raymond Groesser raced.
9/10/2007 - Loretta Groesser Sanborn
My dad, Raymond Groesser did not race at the track, but owned property adjecent to it, which I now own. However, my first cousin, Harold Telgard started the racing with Al Raney of Traverse City, and I helped sell tickets at the gate when I was 16 along with my aunt. It was a very popular track. The property has just been made into a housing develpment. Beautiful property with views of Grand Traverse Bay.
8/7/2006 - Phil Moon
rOLLING hILLS MOTOR Speed Way was 2 blocks south of Bingham Road, and 2 blocks west of S. West Bay Shore Drive. This race track was behind my wifes house. The Boones lived on West Bay Shore Drive. Uncle Raymond Groeser used to race there. My wife was Charles Rusty Kelleys sister -in-law.
Rolling Hills Speedway - 1954 Aerial
1954 Aerial
Rolling Hills Speedway - Aerial Photo
Aerial Photo
Rolling Hills Speedway - Aug 16 1952 Article
Aug 16 1952 Article
Rolling Hills Speedway - May 27 1955 Article
May 27 1955 Article © 2025 Over 82,690,758 Served