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I found the grand opening ad for this theater for June 1976. The last ad I found was a classified looking for help in the concession stand in 1986. There were no moving listings of any kind after that time.
I went to this facility in 2003 and found the former snack bar was serving coffee, the ticket booth area had been walled off, and the auditorium entrances were still present. Although the doors were locked, it appeared the auditoriums could have been intact and were being used for storage. The ticket booth used to be to the left of the entrances - the outline was still visible.
This theatre had large auditoriums with good sound and large screens. I remember seeing "Gone with the Wind" here in the 1980s - it was a special re-release of the film after it had been completely restored and it played here for several months. This theatre was located in an office complex and it was a little difficult to find, which I think led to its eventual demise.