HomeMovie TheatersMovies at Prudential Town Center

Movies at Prudential Town Center - Southfield MI 

Address: 3000 Town Center
City: Southfield
State: MI
Zip: 48075
County: Oakland
Open: 1976
Owner History: United Artists
Theater Type: Multiplex
Number of visits to this page: 10441

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General Information:

I found the grand opening ad for this theater for June 1976. The last ad I found was a classified looking for help in the concession stand in 1986. There were no moving listings of any kind after that time.

I went to this facility in 2003 and found the former snack bar was serving coffee, the ticket booth area had been walled off, and the auditorium entrances were still present. Although the doors were locked, it appeared the auditoriums could have been intact and were being used for storage. The ticket booth used to be to the left of the entrances - the outline was still visible.

This theatre had large auditoriums with good sound and large screens. I remember seeing "Gone with the Wind" here in the 1980s - it was a special re-release of the film after it had been completely restored and it played here for several months. This theatre was located in an office complex and it was a little difficult to find, which I think led to its eventual demise.

Info Updates:
12/6/2013 - Cher
I worked with Marshall for many years. We did have great times. I still love to catch Rocky Horror on TV when it's on. It brings back great memories.
8/29/2013 - Stephen busse
I remember installing the garden in 1976 with the company I worked for(Garden Milieu inc. ) and the later opening of the theater Taubman/United Artist. It was such a wonderful experience and privilege for me to be involved with the birth of this facility. Beautiful movie theater.
4/27/2009 - Michael Schaap
I remember all the fun we had watching Rocky Horror Picture Show. Those are certainly the days that I miss!
3/30/2009 - eric belland
I worked there 4 years, moonlighting back and forth with Tel-ex cinema, this placed was the bomb on rocky horror nights, i was a usher and concession stand person... the movies were top of the line.. "nothing in common" Gandhi, and about last night... but the kids from all over came dressed up for rocky horror. I do miss it truly..
10/23/2007 - Marshall
I was projectionist at the Prudential in the 1980's. We had some really great midnight shows on the weekends. Rocky Horror was really wild, with tons of audience participation and great costumes. We also showed Heavy Metal and Pink Floyd's The Wall.

I remember showing the premier of ET also.

One weekend night after the midnight shows, I ran a special sneak preview of Flash Gordon for the ushers and concession kids. It was to open the following day and we had the print all ready to show.

Those were great times and great folks. I miss that place.
Movies at Prudential Town Center - Atrium For Waiting Patrons
Atrium For Waiting Patrons
Movies at Prudential Town Center - Once Doors To Auditorium
Once Doors To Auditorium
Movies at Prudential Town Center - Snack Bar Was Left Of Opening
Snack Bar Was Left Of Opening
Movies at Prudential Town Center - Plants
Movies at Prudential Town Center - June 1976 Grand Opening Ad
June 1976 Grand Opening Ad
Movies at Prudential Town Center - Oct 1984 Full Page Ad
Oct 1984 Full Page Ad
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