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Source: Doktor Hippy
The Star Southfield, built in 1997, was the "creme de la creme" in regards to movie going in Metro Detroit. The theatre was designed and built around the art deco themes of David Rockwell of the Rockwell Group. When the theatre was built, it was the second largest indoor movie theatre in the state of Michigan, second to Jack Loeks Studio 28. Likewise, when the theatre opened, it attained one of the busiest opening weekends in movie theatre history and for the next several years, remained in the top ten highest grossing theaters in the United States.
The Star Southfield Center was built with an amazing 100,000 sq. ft for patrons to play in, while boasting just more than 6000 seats under one roof. The two largest auditoriums have 60+ feet screens and are spacious enough for 700 guests. Star Theatres uniquely designed this location to have a Detroit theme and feel to the lobby and halls. Everything was over the top, big and bold, with rich colors and fancy textures to alllure the patrons before they entered their movie.
One part of the lobby was specifically designed for the Detroit theme itself, and has special engravings in the floor, designs and characatures on the walls, and lifelike depictions of Tiger Stadium, Fox Theatre, and other Detroit nostalgia. This location still remains as one of Star Theatres busier locations, while facing stiff competition from AMC and Emagine theatres on the west side of Detroit.
Update: As of 2022 this theater is closed.