Star Southfield 20 - Southfield MI

Address: 25333 W 12 Mile Rd
City: Southfield
State: MI
Zip: 48034
County: Oakland
Owner History: Star Theatres
Theater Type: Multiplex
Number of visits to this page: 11777

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General Information:

Source: Doktor Hippy

The Star Southfield, built in 1997, was the "creme de la creme" in regards to movie going in Metro Detroit. The theatre was designed and built around the art deco themes of David Rockwell of the Rockwell Group. When the theatre was built, it was the second largest indoor movie theatre in the state of Michigan, second to Jack Loeks Studio 28. Likewise, when the theatre opened, it attained one of the busiest opening weekends in movie theatre history and for the next several years, remained in the top ten highest grossing theaters in the United States.

The Star Southfield Center was built with an amazing 100,000 sq. ft for patrons to play in, while boasting just more than 6000 seats under one roof. The two largest auditoriums have 60+ feet screens and are spacious enough for 700 guests. Star Theatres uniquely designed this location to have a Detroit theme and feel to the lobby and halls. Everything was over the top, big and bold, with rich colors and fancy textures to alllure the patrons before they entered their movie.

One part of the lobby was specifically designed for the Detroit theme itself, and has special engravings in the floor, designs and characatures on the walls, and lifelike depictions of Tiger Stadium, Fox Theatre, and other Detroit nostalgia. This location still remains as one of Star Theatres busier locations, while facing stiff competition from AMC and Emagine theatres on the west side of Detroit.

Update: As of 2022 this theater is closed.

Info Updates:
6/26/2020 - Cameron Kanachki
As of April 1, 2020, the AMC Star Southfield 20 has permanently closed. Despite the timing, the closure had nothing to do with the COVID-19 pandemic. AMC's lease on the building had expired.
2/22/2007 - WaterWinterWonderland
The marquee caught on fire today, the Southfield Fire Dept. responded and took care of it.
2/17/2006 - StarGrl92-98
For those of you looking for something beyond the intellectual.... I had the pleasure of being around when the theater was built. It was fun taking walks through the site in a hard hat, watching it come together and trying to visualize what it would look like. It was so exciting when they were building this theater. At the time, there was nothing like it at all - the most modern, spacious theaters were like the Star Gratiot (kinda plain). I saw an artist lying on his/her back painting the ceiling, soooo high up on a lift. I have no idea how they ever got it done. The astrological signs were said to have been the idea of the then young daughter of the owners, and the signs are those of her and her parents, Jim and Barrie Loeks. About 5 minutes before the grand opening, I was in the building . It was in May I think, and the line of people wrapped all the way around the building. It was so exciting. In the five minutes I was there before the doors opened, it was mayhem. Things were being moved, huge pieces of equipment, boxes, wires were covered up, or whatever. In the final 30 seconds it all came together, and the doors opened and people poured in. It was beautiful. I wasnt working, I was just a witness and it gave me the chills to see all the people swarm in and take all the sights in. What was showing? I think one of the Batman sequels, and My Best Friends Wedding. The giant popcorn on top of the concession stand actually popped up. That didnt stay functional for very long. Havent been there in at least 5 years. I hope it still looks nice.
12/18/2003 - Detroit News
Heres just the ticket for new moms who like to see movies By Ellyce Field / Special to The Detroit News It would be on any new moms wish list. In addition to more sleep, a miraculous weight loss and more time with her spouse, a lot of new moms would love be able to take in a first-run movie without the hassle of thinking about a baby-sitter. Thanks to the musings of a new mom in New York, who just happened to be the wife of a Star Theatres/Loews Cineplex vice president of marketing, moms can now go to the movies with their newborns. "Reel Moms" began as a pilot program in New York City in September 2002 and has spread like wildfire to 18 other markets across the country. Southfields Star Theatres began the program in mid-July. "The movies are always first-run and are geared for new moms, dads or caregivers and babies in strollers or car seats," says Clair Malo, regional marketing director for Star Theatres/Loews Cineplex. "We keep the light levels up and the sound levels down and monitor the theaters temperature." Moms are invited to arrive at 10 a.m. for some preshow entertainment or an educational presentation. At 10 a.m. Tuesday, a pediatrician from Oakwood Hospital will talk about healthy babies. At 11 a.m., the featured film will be "Uptown Girls," starring Brittany Murphy and Dakota Fanning. Malo says the feedback has been extremely positive. "Moms say that they enjoy the time to network with other new moms and have formed playgroups around the movie date." And the best part -- babies can cry and whimper or gurgle. And moms can eat popcorn in the semi-dark where the calories dont even count.
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Star Southfield 20 - From Theater Website
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Star Southfield 20 - From Theater Website
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Star Southfield 20 - From Theater Website
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Star Southfield 20 - From Theater Website
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Star Southfield 20 - From Theater Website
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Star Southfield 20 - From Theater Website
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Star Southfield 20 - From Theater Website
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Star Southfield 20 - From Theater Website
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Star Southfield 20 - From Theater Website
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Star Southfield 20 - May 8 2022
May 8 2022
Star Southfield 20 - May 8 2022
May 8 2022
Star Southfield 20 - May 8 2022
May 8 2022
Star Southfield 20 - May 8 2022
May 8 2022
Star Southfield 20 - May 8 2022
May 8 2022
Star Southfield 20 - May 8 2022
May 8 2022
Star Southfield 20 - May 8 2022
May 8 2022
Star Southfield 20 - May 8 2022
May 8 2022
Star Southfield 20 - May 8 2022
May 8 2022
Star Southfield 20 - May 8 2022
May 8 2022
Star Southfield 20 - May 8 2022
May 8 2022
Star Southfield 20 - May 8 2022
May 8 2022
Star Southfield 20 - May 8 2022
May 8 2022
Star Southfield 20 - May 8 2022
May 8 2022
Star Southfield 20 - May 8 2022
May 8 2022
Star Southfield 20 - May 8 2022
May 8 2022
Star Southfield 20 - Night Shot
Night Shot
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Star Southfield 20 - Inside
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