Insight Screening Room - Southfield MI

Address: 24300 Southfield Road
City: Southfield
State: MI
Zip: 48075
County: Oakland
Open: 1969
Capacity: 40
Owner History:
Theater Type: Neighborhood House
Number of visits to this page: 1829

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General Information:

From Cinema Treasures

The Point-Of-View Screening Room was opened in 1969 by Dick and Eugene Sloan’s Suburban Detroit Theatre Circuit. The screening room was closed in 2002, renovated and reopened by Phoenix Theatres owners - Cory Jacobson, Charlie Murray and Dick Sloan.

The Insight Screening Room is a complete multi-media facility and includes 35MM reel to reel projectors, DLP Digital Projection and Dolby Digital EX sound. The technical re-fit was done by Ken Angst of Audio Imagining Specialists.

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