Westborn Theatre - Dearborn MI

Address: 1211 Nowlin St
City: Dearborn
State: MI
Zip: 48124
County: Wayne
Open: 1973
Capacity: 900
Owner History: AMC Theatres
Theater Type: Shopping Center - Early Multiplex
Number of visits to this page: 10899

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

Source: Cinema Treasures

Built as a 900 seat, single-screen movie house in 1973 for the Nicholas George chain, the Westborn was twinned in 1980 by Louis Wiltse, with each auditorium seating 425. In 1986, the theater was sold to the AMC chain, renamed it the AMC Westborn 2 and operated it as a discount house. It was closed in the late 90s, when AMC shuttered many of its smaller and older theaters in the Detroit area. Today, the former Westborn houses a tire store.

Info Updates:
5/28/2017 - Gerald Ford
As a lifelong Dearborn Hghts/Dearborn native (actually from the Detroit side of Dearborn Hgts border near Telegraph/Ann Arbor Trail/Warren in the 70s/80s), have lots of good memories at the Westborn. Sad it only had a good 10-15 year run from open to around the mid-late 80's when it was sold and twinned. Saw Disney flicks like Pete's Dragon, Aristocats and Apple Dumpling Gang here, as well as first run Superman, Superman II and other great 70s/80s fare. Interior shots when it was a single screen would be GREATLY appreciated- I found none with brief Googling. If memory serves, it had a clean, late mid century modern vibe. Never lived outside of nor had a phone number (landline or cell) other than THE 313! :).
5/7/2016 - Vern
The Westborn was a rather good theater, all things considered. The movies were second run and the showtimes were limited during the week (on the weekend there were matinees). However, compared to the Ford Tel (the other local dollar theater) the theater was less populated and felt more like a smaller version of a larger theater. I can't recall the last films I saw here, but I want to say it was in the winter of 1989/1990ish (I remember taking the kids to see The Wizard and Tremors). Either way, there was a quality to the theater many bigger theaters today lack.
6/7/2006 - JerryD
The Westborn Theatre was built by ABC Theatres, AKA: Plitt Michigan Theatres and then sold to NGT with the Woods Theatres included.
Westborn Theatre - July 9 2022 Photo
July 9 2022 Photo
Westborn Theatre - July 9 2022 Photo
July 9 2022 Photo
Westborn Theatre - July 9 2022 Photo
July 9 2022 Photo
Westborn Theatre - July 9 2022 Photo
July 9 2022 Photo
Westborn Theatre - From American Classic Images
From American Classic Images
Westborn Theatre - Now Belle Tire
Now Belle Tire
Westborn Theatre - 1972-07-12 Ad
1972-07-12 Ad
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